State of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making.
Examples for "gender equality"
Examples for "gender equality"
1Nothing stirs the gender equality debate quicker than the subject of money.
2Is this a step towards gender equality or ignoring the real problem?
3State officials repeatedly attribute delays in enforcing gender equality to cultural beliefs.
4This year will see bigger battles in the fight for gender equality.
5Iranian women's rights activists have launched several peaceful campaigns for gender equality.
1After all, it would be ideal if men and women can exist peacefully and there was not need to fight for equality of the genders.
1It is tempting to delight in that difference: Plutocratic chauvinism growing red-faced when exposed to the gender egalitarianism of the 99 percent.
1The animal, although inferior to man in intelligence and reason, recognizes sex equality.
2There too she was calling for more sex equality: "The numbers tell the story quite clearly," she told the audience in Washington DC.
3Indeed, here, in microcosm and with differences emphasizing sex equality, is the industrial history of labor in the 19th and 20th centuries.
1Stephen had long had in her mind the idea of sexual equality.
2Back flooded the old memory of her independence and her theory of sexual equality.
3Bishop had lobbied for economic democracy and introduced the country's first legislation for sexual equality.
4The progress made in sexual equality today would have pleased the Victorian Wilde, he says.
5The problem with sexual equality, however, is that it can be a demotion for women.
1She is a fierce campaigner for gender equity and social justice.
2That's the price we need to pay to ensure gender equity for future generations.
3It will be some time before gender equity is realised in the lower house.
4Conversations around gender equity in science and maths have been intensifying in recent years.
5It's good for the women: women and men, gender equity.
1The selections mean the gender balance on the supreme court will deteriorate.
2They said Donnery would offer a better gender balance among top EU jobs.
3The modern Liberal and National parties are not exactly paragons of gender balance.
4This year the blokes have fought back and we have perfect gender balance.
5Those might include internet freedom, and even the gender balance in school classrooms.
6Because gender balance drives the economy and is vital for communities to thrive.
7It was something to do with equal opportunities and gender balance.
8Eighty-one judges collate a shortlist across several categories without necessarily considering gender balance.
9Life sciences has better gender balance than areas such as physics and engineering.
10So why does the gender balance in fashtech seem to be less skewed?
11Reviewing the free apprenticeships programme to ensure steps are taken to promote gender balance.
12Much of this talk concerned the creation of more gender balance in the city.
13Norway enacted measures for gender balance in politics decades ago.
14She believes most organisations are taking the wrong approach in relation to gender balance.
15Do you think there's a point at which the gender balance becomes more equal?
16Unfortunately, the gender balance also reflects older, less enlightened times.
Translations for gender balance